

Better Together (Harmony Song)Blending Ep. 03 - k, e, r, u, b, hSyllables Ep.3Zoomies Ep. 6


Alphabet JamAlphabet JamAlphabet JamAlphabet SongAlphabet SongAlphabet SongBlendingBlendingBlendingGet Your Finger Out - CursiveGet Your Finger Out - CursiveGet Your Finger Out - CursiveGet Your Finger Out - PrintGet Your Finger Out - PrintGet Your Finger Out - PrintPencil GripPhonics FunkPhonics FunkPhonics FunkRhyme TimeRhyme TimeRhyme TimeSentencesSentencesSentencesSPINGO a-zSPINGO a-zSPINGO a-zSPINGO A-ZSPINGO A-ZSPINGO A-ZSyllablesSyllablesSyllablesVowel Sounds


Addition and Subtraction StoriesAddition and Subtraction StoriesAddition and Subtraction StoriesCollect the AnswersCollect the AnswersCollect the AnswersCount to Big NumbersCount to Big NumbersCount to Big NumbersCountingCountingCountingDays of the WeekDays of the WeekDays of the WeekDoubles FactsDoubles FactsDoubles FactsFriends of TenGet Your Finger Out - 2D Shapes & 3D ObjectsGet Your Finger Out - 2D Shapes & 3D ObjectsGet Your Finger Out - 2D Shapes & 3D ObjectsGet Your Finger Out - NumbersGet Your Finger Out - NumbersGet Your Finger Out - NumbersLong & ShortMonths of the YearOrdinal NumbersPatternsPatternsPatternsPositional LanguageSkip CountingSkip CountingSkip CountingSPINGO NumbersSPINGO NumbersSPINGO NumbersSPINGO ShapesSPINGO ShapesSPINGO ShapesSPINGO Time AnalogueSPINGO Time AnalogueSPINGO Time AnalogueSPINGO Time DigitalSPINGO Time DigitalSPINGO Time DigitalSubitisingSubitisingSubitisingTime Song

Music, Movement & Brain Breaks

A Gift for SantaBetter Together (Harmony Song)Birthday SongFinger GymFinger GymFinger GymGettin' CraftyGettin' CraftyGettin' CraftyGoodbye SongKeep Your Body MovingKeep Your Body MovingKeep Your Body MovingMorning SongsMorning SongsMorning SongsMusic VideosMusic VideosMusic VideosOn My Way (Graduation Song) - Music VideoScissor GripSquishy StuffSquishy StuffSquishy StuffThe Bunny Hop Walk Like Me - Music VideoZoomiesZoomiesZoomies

Social & Emotional Wellbeing

All the Feels - Music VideoFunny Face TimeFunny Face TimeFunny Face TimeGive it a GoGive it a GoGive it a GoIt's OK to make MistakesIt's OK to make MistakesIt's OK to make MistakesIt's OK to Make Mistakes - Music VideoRelaxationRelaxationRelaxationWag Your TailWhat Size is Your Problem?

Classroom Tools

100 Days of SchoolBack to SchoolBack to SchoolBack to SchoolCub Club CollectionsCub Club CollectionsCub Club CollectionsCyber SafetyCyber SafetyCyber SafetyHydrate - Music VideoPencil GripPush It In (the chair song)Scissor GripThe Tidy Up Song - Music VideoTimersTimersTimersTransition SongTurn TakingWalk in a LineWelcome to Cub Club


1. Get the Giggles1. Get the Giggles1. Get the Giggles2. Fine Motor Friday2. Fine Motor Friday2. Fine Motor Friday3. Dance Party3. Dance Party3. Dance Party4. Mindful Moments4. Mindful Moments4. Mindful Moments5. Pevan's Picks5. Pevan's Picks5. Pevan's Picks6. Sarah's Songs6. Sarah's Songs6. Sarah's Songs7. Indoor Recess - Active7. Indoor Recess - Active7. Indoor Recess - Active8. Indoor Recess - Sitting8. Indoor Recess - Sitting8. Indoor Recess - Sitting